Holographic Healing Nest


My dears,


As most of you probably already now, I have been extremely busy the past weeks birthing a healing center from a vision that is very dear to my heart.

A place that combines holographic healing, which means working with the deepest cause of ailments or suffering and supporting the system in rebalancing itself, and an approach that creates acceptance, safety and deep relaxation.

I have invited other professionals to collaborate with me in this project, who I resonate with and trust.
I just created a page for the space, if you wanna find out more: https://holographichealingnest.com/


Looking forward to receive you in this gorgeous space with a magical energy :)



Momoko Healing

@Holographic Healing Nest

Eisenbahnstr. 11

Hinterhaus Fabrikgebäude

Souterrain rechts

10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg

 +49 (0)151 63407675



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